The Office of Student Support and Accessibility

A word about the Unit:  

The Sybil Wigdor Student Support and Accessibility Unit  operates a support center for students with disabilities and students with learning disorders. The center’s services include accommodations for exams and coursework, academic mentorship and tutoring, workshops on learning skills and addressing the different accessibility needs of students.

A brief summary of the unit and its objectives:

The Sybil Wigdor Student Support and Accessibility Unit operates a support center for students with disabilities and students with learning disorders, with the aim of widening accessibility to higher education for populations with disabilities while improving the quality of their university studies. The support center includes academic assistance and personal guidance at every level needed, and conducts ongoing interaction with administrative and academic units, to mediate between student needs and academic requirements.

Unit services:

  • Accommodations for coursework and exams.
  • Addressing student accessibility issues: technical assistance, transcription of lectures and mediation between student needs and the different departments.
  • Academic support: tutoring, mentorship and workshops.
  • Admission track for students with disabilities and/or learning disorders who do not meet admission standards.
  • A learning center that includes spacious study rooms, computer labs and assistive technology such as: readers, magnification software, CCTVs and braille terminals.