Community volunteer work


Department of Academics and Community promotes and encourages social activity that impacts and provides benefit to Israeli society

Registration guidelines:

  • Registration for the project from the beginning of the year until the end of December.
  • Academic credits obtained in exchange for olunteering is granted only once during the bachelor's degree, on condition that the student did not receive such credit for reserve duty.
  • 40 hours of volunteering activity grants one annual credit point
  • The exemption shall be granted progressively based on student degree requirements: exemption from a general course / exemption from a Jewish studies course / exemption from a departmental course.
  • After completing minimum volunteering hours students who are entitled will receive an email notification with instructions for requesting their exemption.
  • Participation in the program does not exempt students from minimum percentage tuition for their degree and does not grant financial exemption from tuition.
  • It is not possible to recognize the volunteering performed retroactively.


How to register for the project:

  1. Make your selection from the list of eligible organizations. You may only volunteer in an organization on this list.
  2. Contact the coordinator of the organization of interest to you and verify that the framework suits you.
  3. Open an administrative request to join the project through In-Bar > Requests and authorizations > ??**.
  4. Obtain authorization from the project coordinator at Bar-Ilan via In-Bar under ‘List of requests >> Response to request**. Do not begin your volunteer work before obtaining this authorization.

Complete your required activity by the end of the current academic year.


Associations and organizations who wish to take part in the project may submit their candidacy via the Call for Proposals published in May.


For further questions and inquiries, contact project coordinator Shirit Aizen Pinto by phone at 077-3643590 or via email at:

The Department of Academics and Community will be happy to see you join the group of students who volunteer during the academic year and wishes you the best of success in your studies.


Link to the rules and regulations of the associations – file attached

Link to the list of organizations: